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Welcome to Stream of Bytes, just another blog about coding for coders by the coder. But, this blog is not just about coding; it's about what it's like being coder and daily challenges that are faced by beginner programmers.

I remember the time when I started coding. It was a bitterly cold night, and I was walking alone towards the realms of Bits and Bytes; quite dramatic, right? Uh!, I know, anyway at first you feel like no one around you can help you out or guide you in this journey other than Stack Overflow or some self-proclaimed arrogant (ouch!) geeks in your town. I didn't have Internet during that time, “the truth has been spoken”. So, I had to learn all this stuff by myself; a little from here and a little from there.

My experience was quite tedious and long one. Lots of questions were there some of them got answered few others I never asked them again but eventually I figured them all by myself. Through  this blog I want to help you out so that for you the process of becoming a “Programmer” gets easier.

That's all. Thanks for reading, follow so that  you never miss an update (yeah I know, I stole this one from YouTube). Happy Coding.


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